Crohn’s Disease – How One Mom Found Hope in Cannabis to Manage Her Daughters Illness

Image: Wlwt

Imagine if you will for a moment that you have a baby girl. You nourish and protect this tiny little person as they grow. You watch them learn to crawl, then walk, and before too long, she starts saying words like momma, dadda, kitty cat and dog. Then she’s off to school. You blink, and she’s a teenager going to her favorite concerts. Then the unthinkable happens.

Your baby gets sick. So sick that you decide it’s time to take her to the hospital. You get there hoping it’s something like the flu. Suddenly your world is turned upside down as you find out your baby has something wrong with her that’s way worse than the flu. Doctors tell you that your little girl is sick and has Crohn’s Disease.

Just when your world is coming crashing down on you because you can’t keep your baby safe and healthy any longer and you are at your most vulnerable point come the wolves in lab coats. They have hydrocodone’s, nerve pills, sleep pills, and loads of deadly and dangerous opioids. Let’s try this and see how it works, is what you hear.

Take-Two and We’ll See How You Feel Tomorrow

A dozen let’s try this one’s later, your baby girl starts losing internal organs. They start shutting down. You are devastated. You look for any other option out there. Then, you learn about medical cannabis and all the different conditions that it may help.

Being the concerned parent that would do anything to help your baby girl you ask doctors, that are supposed to be professionals, what about cannabis? Then in a moment of pure stupidity and propaganda-based programming they say, you can’t do that, marijuana is federally illegal. But, then again so is taking an oath and not abiding by it.

“Hippocratic Oath: Modern Version. I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.”

This nightmare is becoming an all too common reality for families, families like Tiffany and Lyndi Carnal. Lyndi was a happy smiling teen when she contracted Crohn’ Disease. Over the next few years, Tiffany Carnal would experience the pain of prescription drugs combined with the combination of watching her daughter battle a life threating disease.

When the Hospital Becomes Home Away From Home

Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati became their new home. This is where now 19-year-old Lyndi Carnal would end up being placed on a cocktail of opioids ultimately leading to her having six of her internal organs removed. Cannabis may have stopped this. When Lyndi did get cannabis finally, it did stop this.

Doctors at  Children’s Hospital finally agreed to prescribe Lyndi a synthetic cannabis drug called Marinol. While Marinol doesn’t work for many people due to its lack of having phytocannabinoids to interact with the mammalian endocannabinoid system, it did help Lyndi.

“My thing would be: Would you rather take something that’s gonna give you the munchies and make you hungry or would you rather take something that’s gonna put you in organ failure?” she said. “I didn’t have that option, and I went into organ failure, and I had six organs of mine fail.” -Lyndi Carnal

Today Tiffany and her daughter are sharing their experience with the world so that it may help somebody else’s baby. They share their story to open the eyes of blind medical “Professionals” who support deadly modern medicine and prescription drugs like Oxycotin, Dilaudid, Valium, and other pills that have proven track records of addiction and death.  Lyndi Carnal can tell you first-hand what it was like being on a cocktail of narcotics.

“When you’re on that high of pain medication, you’re kind of in a daze, and you just kind of feel like you’re floating around.” – Lyndi Carnal

It’s Not a Cure-All – But It Helps More than it Helps

Cannabis isn’t the cure for everything, and it doesn’t work the same for everyone. Cannabis could be the cure for all kinds of things with the proper research. Research that can’t legally and officially take place. At least not until the United States of America ends their draconian campaign to eradicate cannabis. To all of you who have supported this war, you’ve had a good run. But now that run, is coming to an end. The people are starting to learn that we are stronger united than we are divided.

Quick, it’s time to find another way to divide a nation and have brothers and sisters at odds with each other again.  You can help put an end to this debate and usher in the era of something new by letting your elected officials know how you feel about medical cannabis. If we all do our part to bring about a positive change in the way medical cannabis is viewed, the world could be a better place for it.

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